Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Casinos, Gamblers, Bettors, Bookies : They are risking their money ( voting with their pockets ) for President Obama, and the betting shares for Obama are increasing in value, so is Mitt Romney as possible Republican Nominee


Look at the Data that I present here, taken from INTRADE.COM :


Barack Obama to be re-elected President in 2012

Event: 2012 Presidential Election Winner (Individual)

Explanation : You have to bet $52 dollars to win $100 if President Obama is reelected. 

You can buy and sell these shares !

Note : Obama has been increasing value in Betting Houses, he was at $48 dollars in recent months.


Mitt Romney to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012

Event: 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee

He is very strong now. - In recent weeks he was under $50 dollars.


Newt Gingrich to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012

Event: 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee

Ron Paul to be Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012

Event: 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee

The US Economy will go into Recession during 2012

Event: US Economy in Recession (*see contract rules for definition )


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