Sunday, December 4, 2011

Failure begets monsters, Frustration begets monsters, Lack of Love begets monsters - I am trying to find these senteces in Google but I can't find a single page discussing exactly these phrases

Some people are mad with envy, bigotry and irrational hatred against others that have done absolutely nothing to them. What is the genesis of these ugly passions ??

I am sure that these haters suffer from these complexes :

They have a lot of failures, frustrations, shortcomings, deficiencies and lack of love in their lives.

In many cases they are lives that are flawed by strong mistreatment in early years.

Other people may have "monsterity" in their DNA. They were born to be losers overcharged with hatred, natural thugs and bullies, natural abusers.

You see, I am just an aficionado to Psychology, but this topic of frustrations and failures has a lot to do with politics and with the irrational hatred and bigotry that we constantly see against other groups of people, for example races, ethnics, or just the people fron another political party.

Many studious people have tried to understand these strong irrational hatreds and furies. Let's mention these important names in the History of Psychology : Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm ( these last sages from the Frankfurt School )

Viktor Frankl 1905-1997 - Holocaust Survivor and Famous Author/Psychoanalyst

Bruno Bettelheim 1903-1990 was sent to the concentration camp at Dachau early in May, 1938, he spent approximately four months in Dachau after which he was transferred to the concentration camp at Buchenwald. He was released from Buchenwald in April 1939 because of the aid of some influential friends of mine in America who were able to enlist the assistance of the State Department of the United States.

These last two men wrote about the Nazi Ideology and the Domination of People by such Imbecilities. They learned a lot about Human Psychology in Concentration Camps.

Vicente Duque

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