Friday, December 30, 2011

"When asked why none of his five sons had served, Mitt Romney explained that "one of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping get me elected." (Perhaps they felt that working for their dad was a bit like serving in Fallujah )"

In the Huffington Post Doug Bandow attacks the Stupid Jingoism and Warmongering of Mitt Romney and the Republican Presidential Candidates with the sole exception of Ron Paul. The Foreign Policy of Mitt Romney can't be more foolish or counterproductive. It is essentially the old George W. Bush doctrine of endless aggression and war against feigned dangers.

Almost all the Republican Party is poisoned with the most absurd and dangerous Jingoism, Chauvinism, Sick Nationalism, Militarism, Fascism and Ridiculous Uber Patriotism.

Huffington Post
Irresponsible Foreign Policy: The Republican Establishment, Not Ron Paul
By Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute
December 30, 2011

Irresponsible Foreign Policy: The Republican Establishment, Not Ron Paul

Some excerpts :

A decade ago President George W. Bush chose arrogance over humility as his foreign policy. Since then virtually every Republican presidential candidates has embraced his philosophy of endless war: in effect, the GOP mantra is "we're all neoconservatives now."

Yet the GOP presidential contenders criticized the Obama administration for not forcing Iraq's elected government from accepting a continued U.S. military presence. For instance, Mitt Romney denounced this "astonishing failure." Left unmentioned was the fact that the year-end departure was negotiated by George W. Bush. Anyway, it would be foolish to keep America forever entangled in Mesopotamia.

Romney said that he would listen to the counsel of the military commanders--as if that would relieve him of making an independent decision as president.

As if these wars were not enough, Romney backed the counterproductive intervention in Libya.

Even more pitiful is the reflexive war-mongering against Iran. "You have to take whatever steps are necessary to break its capacity to have a nuclear weapon," declared Gingrich. Romney and Perry pronounced their willingness to use military action. Gingrich and Santorum advocated covert action to kill Iranian scientists and disrupt Iranian activities. Gingrich also demanded that the U.S. pursue "regime replacement." Romney urged indicting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for "genocide."

This year Republican voters seem to favor draft avoiders in the mold of Richard "I had other priorities" Cheney whose desire to wreak death and destruction on other peoples expands as their refusal to serve when their country called grows more distant. When asked why none of his five sons had served, Romney explained that "one of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping get me elected." (Perhaps they felt that working for their dad was a bit like serving in Fallujah.)

Most pathetic, though, is Romney who, after giving a foreign policy speech with the usual formulistic call for American leadership, promised not to act in the Middle East without the approval of Israeli leaders. Such groveling can only inspire contempt in Israel.

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