Friday, December 16, 2011

VIDEO : Obama to Barbara Walters : For GOP compromise is a dirty word" - "anything that Obama's for, Republicans are against" - "We've made have made America stronger, and have made the American people... put them in a better position in order to succeed over the long term. Short term, folks are still hurting"

VIDEO : ABC News : President Obama on GOP

Obama : "You know, you never want to say, 'It's all them,'" - "But I do think that right now at least, in the Republican Party there are a couple of notions. Number one is that compromise is a dirty word. Number two, anything that Obama's for, we're against."

"If I propose a health care bill that is full of Republican ideas -- in fact, is very similar to the law that was passed by the current Republican front runner, or one of the top frontrunners ? the other guy was supportive of many of the ideas as well -- suddenly, they become against it," he said.

"I want to be a really good two-term president," Obama said. "I think that the choices we've made have made America stronger, and have made the American people... put them in a better position in order to succeed over the long term. Short term, folks are still hurting."

President Obama on GOP


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