Tuesday, December 20, 2011

VIDEO "Old Fart Rants" : Voter Suppression in States with Republican Governors or Legislatures, Violence against "Occupy Protesters", Patriot Acts, developments more dangerous than all the Terrorists of the World

Old fart attacks the Republican Candidates as Stupid Clowns, and the Politics of Republicans in Congress and in the States dedicated to block voters.

"Christmas 2011 - Too Much News!" by Old Fart Rants

Uploaded by oldfartrants on Dec 14, 2011

There's too much news! Take the Republican presidential candidate debates for example. I could do an hour video every day about each one of these clowns. There's just too much material to even start! You may remember I did do a video about pizza man Herman Cain back in October in which I said he was toast - and I was right about that.

So I'll just make another prediction -- none of these goofballs can beat Obama. Not in a fair election anyway. Overall, watching these debates makes me mad, and it makes me truly sad that in America today, with the exception of Ron Paul and John Huntsman who have no chance, ignorant, delusional idiots like these people could ever be taken seriously as qualified to do anything - except maybe sell popcorn at a movie theater!

Seriously - this is the best and brightest the Republican Party can come up with in the entire country? A bunch of Bible thumping buffoons and stupid screeching monkeys? Way to go Tea Party -- just like your brain dead worship of the woirld's biggest morn, Sarah Palin, your presidential candidates have made America the laughing stock of the world -- again!

And thanks for a do nothing Congress with the lowest approval rating of any Congress in US history too -- a Congress with an approval rating lower than Hitler - lower than Paris Hilton - lower than America going communist. Way to go Tea Party! Your mind-boggling stupidity and gullibility have given us all yet another reason to be embarrassed to be Americans.

The only way the Republicans can beat Obama in 2012 is by union busting and voter supression, and they know it. That's why they've been working on in every state with a Republican governor. They saw what happened when young and elderly and minority voters stayed home in 2010. All they have to do is shave off a few million votes and they might have a chance at winning in 2012. This is very serious folks. To me this is treason - a calculated undermining of democracy in every sense that's a thousand times more dangerous than terrorism is. It's as un-American as it gets.

Another thing that's troubling is what's been happening with the Occupy protests. It was police AND private security guards who re-took Zuccotti Park from the occupy protestors. Private security guards, ala Blackwater types, were used against American citizens exercising their civil liberties in a public space. Private security guards who's only oath of loyalty is sworn to the company that hires them -- not to the Constitution. That's as un-American as it gets.

Something that should really scare even the biggest Tea Party patriot is the National Defense Authorization Act, under which anyone, including American citizens on American soil, can be arrested, and detained indefinitely without any charges, any access to a lawyer, or any legal hearing to prove their innocence. So much for innocent until proven guilty - a saying which is as American as apple pie. This law shits so blatantly on the Constitution it's unbelievable! But where's your outrage about this bill Tea Partiers? Why aren't you screaming bloody murder about this bill? If it passes we're all screwed - and that includes everybody with tri-corner hats and misspelled signs too!

"Christmas 2011 - Too Much News!" by Old Fart Rants


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