Thursday, December 22, 2011

You will have a Happy New Year 2012 in any case with the Reelection of President Obama and some positive developments - The U. S. Supreme Court will not destroy the happiness, there is even a light posibility of soberness and temperance for this court

New Year 2012 will be an "Anno Mirabilis" like 2008 and the most positive development will be the Reelection of President Obama by a landslide and a better grasp of the U. S. Congress by the Democrats, although I can not predict that Democrats will control the U. S. House.

Of course I am not a seer or spiritist and I can't predict the future with 100% certitude, but my intuition tells me that President Obama has to be reelected and the Democratic Party has to have a Good Year.

It is horrible to think of the alternative : the election of Mitt Romney. The Republican Party has morphed into the Party of NO, the Party of Negativity and of creating useless obstacles to all good Initiatives. It is also the Party of Racism, Bigotry, Extremism, Irrationality. It was a better party in the past, it even fought for the rights of Black People around 1870 to 1920 or so.
The GOP is also the Party of Jingoism, Chauvinism, Hypernationalism and Eternal War.

But today : What are the House Republicans if not vagrants and bums ??

They beg to the rich and represent only the interest of the top 1% - This is not communism, marxism or socialism, but a Strong Truth and Reality that we can see every day and in every action of the Republican Party dominated by the extremism of the Tea Party.

So I can fail in my predictions, and that failure would bring a new era of accelerated decline of the USA like in the times of George W. Bush.

The only guy that can stop that accelerated deterioration of U. S. Power and U. S. Economy is President Obama, and as I see things nobody is able to challenge him, much less Mr Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney is not guilty of having being born in a Mormon Family and being the descendant of Women enslaved by Alpha Males in a Harem of Mormon Polygamy.

But sincerely I would have rebelled against that stupid Religion founded by a Con Man, that is a swindler and thief, Prophet Joseph Smith. That Religion has been Racist, Extremist Bigotry and has the most stupid tenets of faith that I can imagine. 

To believe in Mormonism is like believing in the Old Catholic Church with the Holy Inquisition burning Witches in Europe and ruining Jews in Spain.

Or like believing in the Calvinism of John Calvin in Switzerland burning other protestants in Geneva and establishing a dictatorship and theocracy.

It would be extremely embarrassing to have a Mormon President but that is not the worst, because having a Republican President is the best recipe for the diminishing of American Power among the nations and for the destruction of American Wealth and Riches.

I am not saying that Mitt Romney is going to destroy the USA, but it will be another George W. Bush applying the same failed ideas of that Brutal and Ugly President ( his Ugliness not being Physical but Moral and Human ).

The U. S. Supreme Court is totally perverted by Conservative Judicial Activism but it can not ruin the happiness of Anno Mirabilis 2012 with the three hot potatos or explosive political buttons of Health Care Overhaul, SB 1070 and Texas Gerrymandering.

The wrong decisions of that Court can be corrected by the same Court and Justices, or by another Court with other People in the Future. And I believe in Newton's Third Law of Physics : "There is a Reaction against every Action"...

The Mistakes of the Supreme Court will attract attention on the issues and make them red hot in an election year.

Economic, Sociological, Moral and Cultural factors are always changing and even a Court of Archangels in Heaven may have its decision overturned later.

Vicente Duque


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