Sunday, October 28, 2012

God save the Queen of England and America as an addition ! - Have we been in a BIG HOAX ?? - Perhaps !! : It could be, that is my guess, perhaps Nate Silver of the New York Times has been right and most of the Punditry is wrong believing in Mitt's chances

Manipulation of bets and Republican spinning - Perhaps Perhaps - And if everything was a BIG HOAX  ??

I consider the possibility that conservatives and speculators in bets took advantage of the "Great Debacle" of President Obama in the first debate with Romney to invent a fake "dead heat" and a tie in the presidential election, because it was convenient for their personal interests and pockets ( the close horse race ) and it was the order of the few people that control the media.

Speculators took advantage and Fools fell in a trap of betting for Romney in Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, etc .... If your guide was bets, INTRADE and other betting business then you were sure that President Obama was going to be defeated.

The exception to my guess is Florida, because the advantage of Romney is a sure event and not an invention of Conservatives or Speculators in bets trying to earn money.

And if everything was a BIG HOAX  ??

Now bets and polls return to normal showing that the prospects of reelecting the President are excellent. Some speculators made money with fools ( once again ) in bets. If they ( the super shrewd ) can speculate in Wall Street then it would be easier for them to confuse bettors.


God save the Queen of England and America as an addition


If my guessing is right then America can be saved from a horrible destiny.

The catastrophic fate of being ruled by Mitt Romney, a man whose principles are immorality, inhumanity, greed, dishonesty, mendacity, lies, avarice, lack of integrity and decency, a rapacious predator, grasping any penny even if it starves a widow.

A "Well Oiled Weathervane" that would say anything to be elected president, even if what he says is very immoral and inhumane and is the denying of Truth.

America will be saved from the disgrace of being an anti-Women Theocracy, mysoginist Theocracy of Bigots and Fanatics, and also a Racist Plutocracy.

When you vote for Mitt, you are voting for the Racists and Right wing nuts that are in bed with him. You vote for Jan Brewer, Kris Kobach, Pete Wilson, Russell Pearce. You almost vote for the Nazis that were best friends of Russell Pearce ( "de pipí cogido" with him ) like J. T. Ready and Jeff Hall, the brutal Nazis that had such horrible violent deaths, thanks to their own terrorism, violence, racism and hatred.

Yes, this is trial "by Association" and guilt "By Association" because Mitt is a coward that does not stand up to the Brutal Racists and Extremists of the GOP.

When you vote for Mitt, you vote for all the billionaires that fund him and despise the 47% of America. They want to lower their own millionaire taxes, and make no mistake : they agree with Mitt like those scoundrels of Boca Raton Florida that did not protest when Mitt was denigrating of the Greatest Nation in History.

Vicente Duque


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