Monday, October 1, 2012

Rolling Stone : Mitt's Agenda : Americans suffering under Right Wing Plutocracy - Mitt puppet of Lunatic Bigots "Ayn Rand" Paul Ryan, Grover Norquist, Tea Party. Assault and Rape of Women's Rights. Impoverish the 99%, enrich the 1%


Article by Tim Dickinson : More tax Burdens to the Middle Class and very big gifts of Trillions of Dollars to the Real "Welfare Queens" : The Super Rich and Wealthy !

Excerpts :

Measures that have already sailed through the Republican House would roll back clean-air protections, gut both Medicare and Medicaid, lavish trillions in tax cuts on billionaires while raising taxes on the poor, and slash everything from college aid to veteran benefits.


The retrograde social agenda laid out in recent GOP legislation represents a full-scale assault on fundamental American rights. Last year, the House passed a bill that would broadly prohibit women from purchasing insurance plans that cover abortion. The so-called Protect Life Act would also allow hospitals to refuse a dying woman an abortion that would save her life. Ryan himself co-sponsored legislation that would have made it impossible for impoverished victims of rape and incest to receive abortions unless their assault met a narrow definition of "forcible rape." Under the bill's language, for instance, federal abortion coverage would be denied to a 12-year-old girl impregnated by a 40-year-old man, unless she could prove she fought back.


Source :

Rolling Stone Magazine
Mitt Romney's Real Agenda
If you want to understand Romney's game plan, just look at what Republicans have been doing in Congress

By Tim Dickinson
September 30, 2012

Mitt Romney's Real Agenda


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