Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gratefulness and Obama's Reelection : Gratitude, a value and quality belonging to the History and Culture of Many Nations and Religions in all continents, Christianity, the European Illustration that began after year 1500, etc ..

How can the American Nation forget the benefit that it has received from President Obama ?? - Saving the Nation and the World from a Great Depression, saving Banks, Car Industry and many other Corporations. Saving Jobs and passing Great Legislations that are going to be of Great Help for the Common Good. Killing the main Terrorists that want to rule the World by Fear.

From Wikipedia :

"Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several world religions, and has been considered extensively by moral philosophers such as Adam Smith."

Not only for Americans, but for every human being in this planet, Gratitude is a sign of Nobility, Kindness, Humanity. It is always also a sign of courage, bravery, and discipline for work.

It has been said by many philosophers that Human Beings forget the benefit that they have received but never forget the offenses, insults and evil that they have received.

But not with the most Noble and Kind Human Beings, they are Grateful and acknowledge their benefactors. This is a Universal Precept for All Mankind.

While American Lives were at risk and American Diplomats were killed, all Americans, and all Human Beings around the planet that respect Nobility and Courage should have been praying and doing their best to save these heroes. Even Foreigners have a moral obligation of solidarity with the United States and its President. No foul attacks on the White House, Please !!

Not insulting and offending the President of the United States with false accusations, Lies, Hypocrisy, Innuendos and Slander.

Please think for at least a second the Gratitude that is due to that Great Statesman President Obama, and not only by Americans but by the World at Large and all Human Beings that want a Good World Economy and a respect for Life. All those that want to end Terrorism and its Cowardice.

Vicente Duque


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