Thursday, October 4, 2012

VIDEO, Rachel Maddow : Romney's debate LIES, dodges & Flip-flops (Mr. Etch-A-Sketch) - Do you win a debate by telling a lot of Lies, Hypocrisy, Falsehoods, by abandoning your right wing ideas of giving Trillions to the Rich ??


Mitt says that he is not going to raise taxes on the Middle Class, then he can not give such immense gifts to the Rich. Mitt is the champion of Mendacity and Confusion. A master of confusing ignorants and fools !

Rachel and Ezra Klein :

Romney still does not explain how he generates revenue to fill the big hole that he digs in the National Budget by giving incredible gifts to the Super Rich. He does not explain about cutting deductions and exceptions, no details, no specifics.

Romney tacks to the center, becoming indistinguishable from the President. And denying thousands of words of his campaign of nine months in year 2012.

 Published on Oct 3, 2012 by Romney MrEtchASketch

Mitt Romney's debate LIES, Dodges & Flip-flops are Rachel Maddow, Ezra Klein & Chris Hayes.

Romney's debate LIES, dodges & Flip-flops (Mr. Etch-A-Sketch) - Rachel Maddow


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