Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Wednesday Debate of Obama and Romney reinforces my idea that this is a choice between Reason and Lunacy, between Truth and Lies, between Rationality and Blather, between serious plans and actions of the President and the Vagueness and Emptiness of Romney

Yes, Romney and Ryan are Emptiness and a Vacuum : they change plans and purposes every day, and they use generality without specifics or details in order to change their platform or projects continuously like a daily Etch-A-Sketch exercise. That is why the best characterization of Romney is a "Well Oiled Weathervane".

I don't give a damn about the smiles and looks of President Obama, or this Great Man looking distant or serious or not "connecting" with the audience or the TV Cameras. The important thing is that the President is an intelligent man of thinking, an intellectual and he is answering thoughtfully, perhaps he acts like a professor or teacher, perhaps professorial. The most important professor in the World.

The President was focused on defending his Government and attacking the most stupid plan in the World : to lower taxes to the Super Rich and opening a big hole of 5 or 7 trillion dollars ( if you count stupid military increases, this cost is two million dollars higher in ten years ). And Romney and Ryan don't know how to fill that financial hole in the budget.

That is what is important. This wasn't Miss America, Miss World or Miss Universe. And I don't give a damn about Miss Sympathy, and Miss Smile, when the Economic Fate of the World hangs in the balance of an election.

I don't need a debate to know how stupid and idiotic are Romney and Ryan and how lunatic their project of a Racist Plutocracy is.

Romney believes that Americans are idiots. If they elect him as president then they would have proved him right !

The world has seen a Racist Plutocracy in the past : it was called Nazi Germany, and everything was given to the Rich and Wealthy Industrialists of that time, that profited, bought the media, and started wars for profit.

Vicente Duque


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