Monday, October 22, 2012

VIDEO Mike Papantonio : Romney's company Bain Capital closes down an American plant the day before this year's election, and they are shipping those high-tech, well-paying jobs over to China. - Factory machinery, technology and tools shipped to China.


The worker is extremely exploited and enslaved in China.... and Mitt Romney is making a lot of money on that !! - The Chinese are coming to the USA to be trained to replace the Americans, Chinese earning less than a dollar per hour. They are trained by the same workers that Mitt Romney is kicking out of their jobs.

And Mitt Romney says that he is going to be very tough in China.

Mike Papantonio talks about this with Joshua Holland, a senior writer and editor at Alternet.

Published on Oct 22, 2012 by golefttv

Papantonio: Obama Could Decimate Romney With Sensata


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