Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mitt Romney finished and ruined as a politician - How can America elect this guy that cheats and lies in EVERYTHING ??. - VIDEO : "Rachel Maddow - Romney paid as a do-nothing president at Bain?"

Americans do NOT like Liars and Cheaters :

Mitt Romney should explain why he was paid a hundred thousand dollar salary if he wasn't doing anything :

Shannon O'Brien, 2002 Democratic Massachusetts gubernatorial nominee who ran against Mitt Romney, talks with Rachel

Mitt Romney does not want to answer for dozens of bankruptcies that Bain ( his company, he was and is the sole owner ) set off, and the thousands of people kicked out of their jobs, all those jobs were sent to other countries.

Mitt Romney is the Greatest Bankrupter : The Business of Bankruptcy and kicking people out.

Mitt says something stupid : that he did absolutely nothing in Bain but was paid 100 grand bills.

There are reports that he ( the owner ) went to Board Meetings of Bain Capital. There are people saying so.

Published on Jul 14, 2012 by Licentiathe8th

July 13, 2012
Shannon O'Brien, 2002 Democratic Massachusetts gubernatorial nominee who ran against Mitt Romney, talks with Rachel Maddow about Mitt Romney's conflicting claims about his role at Bain Capital in the years that he worked on the Olympics, including why he was paid a hundred thousand dollar salary if he wasn't doing anything.

Rachel Maddow - Romney paid as a do-nothing president at Bain? 


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