Monday, July 23, 2012

VIDEO Rachel Maddow : "Racism & The Southern Strategy: Mitt Romney's New Political Tactic!" - The Racism and Bigotry of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party, Whistle Dog Politics, a Racist Undercover Campaign


Mitt Romney practices "Dog Whistle Politics". The Code Words are "Foreign", "Obama is not an American", "Obama is Kenyan", "Not One of Us", "Socialist", "Obama hates entrepreneurs", "Perhaps Obama is not a Christian", "The Governent is against Religion", "Obama is an elitist".

Who can doubt that Mitt Romney is a racist ?? - He is in bed with the worst Racists : Jan Brewer, Kris Kobach, Pete Wilson, Russell Pearce, all with many Racist and White Supremacist declarations.

Romney said that  "Arizona is a model for the nation" ( pandering to the Racists in the Primaries ) and that Immigrants should be brutally obliged to self-deportation. I hope that Latinos are educated before the Election to recognize the Brutal Racist and Violent Bully in Mitt Romney.

From Wikipedia :

Dog-whistle politics, also known as the use of code words, is a type of political campaigning or speech making which employs coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has a different or more specific meaning for a targeted subgroup of the audience. The term is invariably pejorative, and is used to refer both to messages with an intentional subtext, and those where the existence or intent of a secondary meaning is disputed. The term is an analogy to dog whistles, which are built in such a way that the high-frequency whistle is heard by dogs, but appears silent to human hearing.

 Published on Jul 19, 2012 by politicalarticles

Mitt Romney's Campaign Strategy: 'Gee Obama Sucks' and 'I Made a Bunch of Money in Business':

Racism & The Southern Strategy: Mitt Romney's New Political Tactic!


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