Sunday, July 22, 2012

VIDEO, Old Fart Rants : "Queen Ann's Revenge" by Old Fart Rants" - This is the most Furious and Wrathful Irate Rant that "Old Fart" has produced against the Arrogance, Narcissism and Vanity of the Romneys :


Published on Jul 19, 2012 by oldfartrants

Mitt Romney's wife, Anne was on ABC News this morning, and when she was asked about her husband's refusal to release his tax returns she said: "We've given all you people need to know." You people? Did you just call us Americans "YOU PEOPLE"

Mrs. Romney? Who the fuck do you and your husband think you are - Thurston and Lovey Howell on Gilligan's Island? Do you think we're just here to serve you coconut drinks and do your laundry? Well I'm sorry your highness - you who write $77,000 a year off your taxes for your dancing horse - but if your husband, who made millions of dollars off the backs of us "common people" by closing down OUR American companies for profit, and shipping OUR jobs overseas, wants to be the president of OUR country, us "common people" want to see his goddamn tax returns!

You don't know because you were born into wealth and you've never worked a day in your life, but lots of companies nowadays demand credit and police reports from potential employees before they hire them. Since your husband is applying for the job of President of the United States, the least he can do is release his tax returns like every other nominee has for the past 40 years.

You have NO idea what it's like to struggle. You've never had to choose between buying food & paying the electric bill. You've never had to make hard choices or sacrifices. Your fucking dancing horse has better healthcare than 50 million Americans do! And you wonder why "us common people" talk about class warfare? Fuck you and your "let them eat cake" attitude you entitled, arrogant upper crust Barbie doll.

For years now we've had to listen to people on your side of the fence, like Donald Trump who's endorsement your husband gladly accepted, demanding to see the president's birth certificate, and his college records, and doing everything possible to try to paint him as some kind of foreigner who is occupying the White House illegally.

But when we ask your husband for no more than the same amount of financial transparency every presidential candidate in recent memory has been held to, including your own father in law, you whine like babies. Didn't anyone ever teach you not to dish it out if you can't take it? Last time I checked, this isn't 18th century France. But apparently Queen Ann thinks it is because she just gave the American public the finger!

Are you going to take that? Remember all this arrogance and secrecy in November when YOU have to produce a Republican approved voter ID just to exercise your Constitutional right to vote.

"Queen Ann's Revenge" by Old Fart Rants


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