Friday, July 27, 2012

Mitt Romney is attacking the President during his Foreign Trip. He is disloyal to President and Country, Romney is extremely imprudent and Immoderate. It harms the USA, Romney's Foreign Policy is Jingoism, Warmongering and Chauvinism

Nothing can be more harmful to the USA than a policy of arrogance. According to Mitt Romney Great International Events like the "Arab Spring" only happen because Obama is weak and a "Sissy".

He is acting and assuming the role of Super Man, the Greatest Patriot, the Super Macho and the "Greatest Bully"......

In an interview with Hayom, a right-wing Israeli newspaper, Mitt Romney said:

    "The Arab Spring is not appropriately named. It has become a development of more concern and it occurred in part because of the reluctance on the part of various dictators to provide more freedom to their citizens. President [George W.] Bush urged [deposed Egyptian President] Hosni Mubarak to move toward a more democratic posture, but President Obama abandoned the freedom agenda and we are seeing today a whirlwind of tumult in the Middle East in part because these nations did not embrace the reforms that could have changed the course of their history, in a more peaceful manner."

So Mitt Romney is blaming Obama for the Islamist Governments that have been democratically elected. And he considers Obama totally responsible for events that are beyond his control.

Mitt Romney makes me remember of the famous saying of Samuel Johnson :

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".

In 1774 Johnson printed The Patriot, a critique of what he viewed as false patriotism. On the evening of 7 April 1775, he made the famous statement, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." This line was not, as widely believed, about patriotism in general, but the false use of the term "patriotism" by John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute (the patriot-minister) and his supporters; Johnson opposed "self-professed Patriots" in general, but valued what he considered "true" self-professed patriotism.


I believe in the Brain Areas Theory of Mitt Romney.

This guy connected his neurons up to age 18 to be a Bully, "Brutal Barber" and "Fake Cop". This guy is perfectly wired to be a Racist "Anglo-Saxon" Bully.

I strongly suspect that Mitt Romney is very fond of cheating : in Taxes, Crony Capitalism, contracts to friends, the Bain Capital owned companies as suppliers of the Salt Lake City Olympics, always favoring Mitt's pockets and fattening his wallet.

He was the mastermind in the Big Tax Scam of Marriott Hotels. He should have bad companies in the Cayman Islands and other Tax Havens.

Mitt can not stop being Mitt, a Bad Guy !

And now we see Romney's foreign policy as something much worse than What George W. Bush devised and practiced. In reality "The Freedom Agenda" of George W. Bush was followed by President Obama.

So Mitt Romney is lying again about Foreign Policy ( a very delicate subject ) and is playing a lot of Repugnant and Repellent Hypocrisy.

I repeat : Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy for the USA is the worst nightmare that you can imagine  and will produce the erosion of American Power and respect for the American Nation. It is a policy of sheer naked arrogance.

And don't forget that the Racism of Mitt Romney promising to harass 12 million Latinos so that they "self-deport" out of the USA has grave implications for Foreign Policy. He has said that Arizona is the model for the Nation.

Mitt Romney, your foreign policy can't get worse.


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