Sunday, July 15, 2012

Study on Poor and Rich "Welfare Queens" and research on bums that do not work but live happily even earning millions of dollars. Some bums have better "Health Care" than the best that the middle class can get. Welfare Queen Mitt and the Bums

The Real "Welfare Queens" are the 1% and NOT the Poor mothers of undernourished Children that have to stand in line waiting for a bureaucrat.

Occasionally there may be poor bums, clochards, vagrants and tramps that live on welfare, but that is a very small percentage and can be controlled with modern technologies of computers .....

Poor hobos and homeless that are psychologically unfit to work because the "Clockwork Orange" of the Republican Party has created a Big Recession or Depression.

Remember that in the "Clockwork Orange", movie of Director Stanley Kubrick, Alex and his posse of Droogs enjoy kicking and beating the poor alcoholic bums under the bridges of London.

Mitt Romney would have been very happy to direct a posse of Droogs, in fact he had his own posse at age 18 to humiliate and scare people. Mitt was the leader of cowards and enjoyed being a bastard at school and a "Fake Cop" with uniform and Powerful Daddy included.

And talking of bums .... How about the Congress Republicans that do not work and have wonderful exclusive "Health Care" while the Poor "Welfare Queens" die of destitution.

And the Rich "Welfare Queens" prosper under the leadership of Mitt Romney. The said Mitt Romney is a Welfare Queen that enjoys the tax cuts, loopholes, and all the legal evasions, legal elusions and legal traps that Republicans give to the Super Rich and Wealthy.

Mitt started by being a bully and graduated by dodging the draft as a coward that demonstrated for the War but was scared of dying in the battlefield.

Mitt is the Greatest Master of trickery, cunning and deception to dodge important questions of voters and to avoid the duty of paying taxes.

And now Mitt is also a coward, bully and liar trying to swift boat the Greatest President that we will ever see.

Vicente Duque


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