Saturday, September 15, 2012

Gallery of Mitt Romney Photos and Videos : Smirks, Grins, Smiles, Ugly Facial Gestures while he is slamming Obama on the crisis and while the Embassies are attacked by Angry Mobs of Terrorists with the deaths of American Diplomats

Curled lip of contempt, Lip smacking, Smiling gleefully while a tragedy is unfolding !!

Photos and Videos in "Politics USA" - this site analyzes the ugly gestures of Mitt Romney. And tries to find an explanation to the facial language and body language of Mitt.

Politics USA
Sociopathic Mitt Romney Smiles During and After Presser on Embassy Tragedies
By Sarah Jones

September 12th, 2012

Sociopathic Mitt Romney Smiles During and After Presser on Embassy Tragedies

Excerpt :

The disparity between Romney’s words and the facial expressions is troubling. Which are we to believe? Facial expressions are where scientists put their money and where I’d put mine, especially over a prepared statement. Though the science of statement analysis gives us clues here as well, which I noted earlier. Most telling was what Romney thought the real mistake was here — and that was for terrified people inside of the embassy to issue a statement that insulted Romney’s idea of how Poujadist Americans should never apologize for being bigots.

It’s as if he has no ability to empathize enough to figure out that in moments leading up to an impending attack, allegedly appeasing the attackers is a smart move. What did Romney want them to do instead? Go out on the balcony and declare their free speech rights? That’s rich from Romney, who got four draft deferments in order to avoid service. It’s not as if he’s ever put his money where his rather reckless mouth is.


Why was Mitt Romney was smiling with such barely contained glee today? Was he happy that a tragedy occurred that allowed him to attack the President? Did he stop to consider the issues of religious intolerance, war, death, loss, or even hits to the America he claims to love so much? Will he speak to our humanity first?


My Note :

In France, Poujadisme is often used pejoratively to characterize any kind of anti-tax and anti-intellectual ideology that declares itself anti-establishment and criticizes strongly the current French political system

I think that in the previous article "Poujadist Americans" are those that want to abolish taxes and are of very poor intellectuality like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan


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