Saturday, September 29, 2012

VIDEO : "Ann Romney: Biggest Fear Is For Mitt's 'Mental Well-Being'." - What is a guy doing by running for President if his wife is worried about his Mental Sanity and Psychological Equilibrium ?? - Does she already know that her husband is cracking under the pressure?

Many people including prominent Media People have suggested that Mitt Romney is Mentally unbalanced and has grave personality disorders. .... for example Mike Papantonio has always seen very grave psychological signs in Romney. I agree. This is no guy to be in charge of pushing the "Red Button" of Nuclear Annihilation.

I have always considered Mitt Romney as a School Bully, Brutal Barber and Fake Cop. He tries to make up for his innate Cowardice by pushing a Foreign Policy of Violence, Brutality, Jingoism, Chauvinism, Hyper-nationalism, False Patriotism.

The coward that dodged the draft to go to Vietnam, with the idiotic excuse and pretext of being a "Mormon Missionary" in France ( away from danger ) wants to be a John Wayne and Clint Eastwood in a Saloon of the Far West. 

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel" - Samuel Johnson in 1774.--- Mitt is a great coward and poseur as patriot. He professes patriotism but acts as a coward in many situations. The school bully is always the Greatest Coward.

Not only is Mitt Romney a Bully, he is also a Pathological Liar and Hypocrite. He lies when there is no gain in Lying, he lies when it is useless to lie, because he has developed his prefrontal cortex for lying. Psychological research has shown how great liars develop white matter and many axons in the frontal lobules.

Mitt presents China and Russia as dangerous enemies but sends millions of dollars there to improve their economies and the Chinese Oil Industry that is said to be a weapon in international matters.

A guy like Mitt is the gravest danger for the American Nation.


 Published on Sep 28, 2012 by Flyguyjake

Ann Romney says that her biggest concern if her husband is elected president; "My biggest concern would obviously be for his mental well-being". WTF? Is he going to go postal on us? Does she already know that her husband is cracking under the pressure?

Ann Romney "My biggest concern if Mitt's elected is his mental well being"


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