Tuesday, September 25, 2012

VIDEO : "Papantonio: Romney's Religious Extremism Scares Voters" - Mike Papantonio talks with John Amato, founder of the Crooks and Liars blog, about Mitt Romney's extremist religious beliefs, and why they should scare the average voter.

Discussion of the Crazy Mormonism of Mitt Romney is Taboo, Taboo, Taboo !!

Papantonio and Amato : It is perfectly well and taught in the Mormon Religion for the interests of the Mormon Church and the Mormon Family. They are taught to cheat and deceive. Why do we believe to Mitt Romney ??

They talk about Scam Artist and Con Man "Prophet" Joseph Smith that is Mitt Romney's Great Prophet. This is one million times graver than Reverend Jeremiah Wright "the Communist Antichrist that prepared Obama in Muslim Terrorism."

Romney's Great Prophet is the most stupid thing we can imagine, unless Mitt does not believe in that brutal racist anti-Women Polygamous religion and uses it to dodge the draft to Vietnam as the coward that he is and uses this foolish Religion to go to France as a Mormon Missionary to save his skin from the Viet Cong.

The brutality of Mormonism against Women, that are dominated in Polygamy Harems. And Pedophilia and Pederasty of raping girls, age 14 and less. That has been a Historical Fact of Mormonism.

But that is not talked about, because people can suddenly discover that Mitt Romney has Racist Roots in his Idiotic Religion.

Mitt was talking about the second coming of Jesus in a Iowa Radio Station, it is in YouTube for everybody to listen and see and wonder what is in the mind of Mitt Romney, Liar, Hypocrite, Schoolyard bully, brutal barber and fake cop.

Not to mention vulture capitalist and tax evader.

Published on Sep 25, 2012 by golefttv

Papantonio: Romney's Religious Extremism Scares Voters


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