Friday, September 14, 2012

The Problem with Mitt Romney is his lack of Personality and lack of Character - This guy was educated as an Aristocrat that can do anything without expecting to be punished - Arrogant Bully, Selfish, Imprudent, Cynic, Hypocrite, Inveterate Liar, Deceiver, Coward

You saw the same imprudent "school bully", "brutal barber" and "fake cop" at age 18, when the neurons are 99% connected and the personality is formed. Mitt Romney knows that he can get away with vicious behavior.

Yes, Mitt can be barbarous, brutal and cruel like in the Cranbrook school of his late adolescence. And he happens to be a Racist too, in bed with the most important Racists in America : Jan Brewer, Kris Kobach, Pete Wilson, Russell Pearce, etc .... !!


Now think that you are an American Diplomat working in a dangerous embassy overseas, imagine that you are an ambassador, or any other official of the American Government and State Department in that location.

Would you love Mitt Romney for endangering your life while the embassy is attacked by brutal barbarians blinded by fanaticism, bigotry, terrorist indoctrination, etc ..... ??

Of course not, Mitt Romney is playing a role in this tragedy, in this theater Mitt is playing as an actor that favors Terrorism, because he is doing what the Terrorists want him to do, dividing the American Nation and undermining the Presidential Power of Mr Obama.

While the Terrorist Attacks are going on, Mitt creates trouble inside the USA and divides Americans, that has to be repeated until people understand that horrible fact. A guy like Mitt is unfit for occupying the White House. He is rash, reckless, Mitt is in ill considered haste to be a protagonist.

If I were an American Diplomat I would be extremely perturbed by this Mitt and his reckless personality, impetuous, irresponsible, presumptuosly daring and playing with American Lives in very grave danger. These Americans in danger are really heroes like the dead Ambassador and not cowards like Mitt that evaded the draft with the ridiculous excuse of being a "Mormon Missionary" in France. Mitt does not run such risks.


Now Consider these two possibilities :

1) Fist Possibility ; Mitt does not believe in Mormonism : his Mormon Religion is just a facade, an artificial and deceptive front to get followers and political support for his selfishness. In that case Mormonism is what Mitt Romney used to evade the draft, the Military Service and danger to his Aristocratic Skin in Vietnam. But Mitt is so coward, rash and imprudent that he participated in demonstrations for the Vietnam War and for sending more youngsters like him to die in Vietnam. Mitt has always supported the most imprudent and stupid wars but has never risked his life or that of his five sons !!.

2) Second Possibility : Mitt actually and really believes in all these ridiculous fantasies and fairy tales of the "Book of Mormon" and the sacred scriptures of Mormonism. Those scriptures are profoundly and deeply racist and that can not be helped.

If Mitt really believes in Mormonism then he will be a God with his own planet, and will have many Wives and Black slaves in the afterlife. Because according to Mormon sacred scriptures, Blacks can only go to Heaven as slaves and polygamy is an obligation of the Mormon "Saint".


But who founded the Mormon Religion ??

"Prophet" Joseph Smith : A convicted thief, swindler, fraudster, a convicted con man, that had lots of trouble with authorities because of his financial wrongdoings. He was also a pedophile and pederast that used the ignorance of fools to compel them to deliver their daughters at a tender age of 14 to this monster of a "Prophet" !

Does Mitt really believe this ridiculous crap and children's fantasies about the existence of many Gods. And Elohim being a God that was begotten by other Gods and lives in planet Kolob ??

Then he is unfit for being president being so stupid !!

Vicente Duque


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