Sunday, September 30, 2012

HuffPost's Alec Baldwin : the dangers to America of a Romney Presidential Plutocracy. Alec quotes Robert Kennedy Jr. and his studies of Fascist Europe : Mussolini, Hitler, Franco and others that always favored the rich and their corporations and made them richer

The quotations of Robert Kennedy in this article are spellbinding : Plutocracy is the Government of the Rich, by the Rich and for the Rich. And Plutocracy was the base for Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and the Second World War.

This article is wonderful and we see that Alec Baldwin is an actor that has made a lot of studies on American Presidents at George Washington University (  located in Washington, D.C. ).

Huffington Post
Can America Be Great Again?
By Alec Baldwin

September 24, 2012

Can America Be Great Again?

Some excerpts :

America will never be great again under a Romney administration. It will be great for rich people, while everyone else will be asked to dial down their expectations of what it means to be an American, again. Most will just shrug and comply.

I think Obama's aloofness or insouciance or whatever you want to call it is a man trying to stay cool in the pocket during a game when your offensive line isn't always giving it their all. I do not think that Obama is any more of a socialist than his predecessors. He used government to clean up a bigger mess, one made by government; a mess that was made by allowing rich people to use tax dollars to enrich themselves by bringing their "products" to market at a subsidized price. Subsidized by you and me.

In 2003, Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote this:

    Corporate capitalists do not want free markets, they want dependable profits, and their surest route is to crush competition by controlling government. The rise of fascism across Europe in the 1930s offers many informative lessons on how corporate power can undermine a democracy. In Spain, Germany and Italy, industrialists allied themselves with right-wing leaders who used the provocation of terrorist attacks, continual wars, and invocations of patriotism and homeland security to tame the press, muzzle criticism by opponents and turn government over to corporate control.

Those governments tapped industrial executives to run ministries and poured government money into corporate coffers with lucrative contracts to prosecute wars and build infrastructure. They encouraged friendly corporations to swallow media outlets, and they enriched the wealthiest classes, privatized the commons and pared down constitutional rights, creating short-term prosperity through pollution-based profits and constant wars.


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