Saturday, September 29, 2012

It is Social Darwinims stupid ! : this condemns and sinks the Republican Party. It is not Mitt being a Vulture Capitalist, Tax Evader, Coward, Liar and Hypocrite. It is the inner nature of America and Americans, their traditions and values that reject the Lunacy of the GOP.

Americans have always been hard working people, responsible, individualistic but with a great sense of community and solidarity to others and neighbors. Some Powerful Americans were racist and slave holders but the arrow of History pointed to Humanity, Morality, Tolerance, Democratic Values, and help to other nations. And America has advanced a lot towards better human beings that can accept "The Other" and "The Otherness".

Even today there are many racists and haters in America but they are losing another battle in 2012 and will continue losing in the following decades if not centuries. Because Americans are heirs to a Tradition of Christian Values and Jesus of Nazareth was a man of compassion, mercy, help to others, charity, and not a monster of the Ayn Rand philosophy of selfishness, greed, and contempt for the poor and the sick.


Mitt and Ann are just ridiculous actors in this tragedy or comedy of 2012 :


OK, Mitt's intelligence is dedicated to Narcissism, Greed, Selfishness, Egotism, Self-Centered arrogance, and Mitt is a School Bully, Brutal Barber, Fake Cop, a Great Gatsby ( fake Businessman ) talking stupid rants against the 47%.

He is also a hypocrite Elmer Gantry preaching the "Atheism" of Obama that wants to abolish God in America. Of course Mitt is the perfect Hypocrite.

But even with a nice and noble intelligent gentleman like Jeb Bush or Lindsey Graham the Republican Party would be destined to lose because of the Brutal Social Darwinism. Build your ideal Republican who does not lie, is not hypocrite, does not make gaffes every week, the ideal Republican that is not a vulture capitalist, tax evader, cheater, etc .....

Bring an ideal Republican that fought in Vietnam and won many medals of valor in actions of great danger and that Great Republican has to lose against Obama, if the GOP philosophy is Social Darwinism and creating tax burdens for the 99% to give great gifts to the 1%.

The GOP has to lose now because it has become unAmerican and antiAmerican, it goes against the History and the Values of this nation. And it has even become racist and filled with hatred. ( Not what makes America Great ! ).

Of course there are other Great Nations, they have been great in the past, and will be great in the future. But the GOP is so mad that it can not feel respect for the other continents, cultures, nations, races, etc ...

Even with a Great Soldier like John McCain or Eisenhower, and not a despicable coward like Mitt Romney, the Republican Party is destined to lose because it has become immoral, inhuman, barbaric, uncultured, cruel, jingoistic, chauvinist, false patriotism, violent and belligerent.

To the GOP we can apply the maxim of Samuel Johnson : "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"...

Because the GOP has now too many scoundrels !!

And that is very unAmerican and antiAmerican.

Vicente Duque


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