Wednesday, September 26, 2012

HuffPost : Romney to Middle Class Onlookers in Ohio : "Don't be expecting a huge cut in taxes because I'm also going to lower deductions and exemptions." - In order to give trillions of dollars to the Super Rich and Wealthy Romney increases taxes to the 99%

Mitt Romney says that he is going to eliminate or lower tax deductions for the Middle Class, and the savings are going to be given to the Super Rich and Super Wealthy in Humongous tax cuts for them, but the Middle Class will have to pay at least $2,000 more per year.

Romney believes that Americans are idiots, if they elect him, they would have proved him right !

Huffington Post

Romney To Middle Class Ohioans: Don't Expect Too Much Tax Relief From Me
By Sam Stein

September 26, 2012

Romney To Middle Class Ohioans: Don't Expect Too Much Tax Relief From Me

Some excerpts :

WESTERVILLE, Ohio -- In a line that event attendees found a bit puzzling, Mitt Romney warned a crowd of mostly middle-class onlookers on Wednesday not to expect too much tax relief under his administration.

"We have got to reform our tax system," Romney said at a morning event here. "Small businesses most typically pay taxes at the individual tax rate. And so our individual income taxes are the ones I want to reform. Make them simpler. I want to bring the rates down. By the way, don't be expecting a huge cut in taxes because I'm also going to lower deductions and exemptions. But by bringing rates down we will be able to let small businesses keep more of their money so they can hire more people."

The comments were either a flub on Romney's part or an admission that many of the deductions and exemptions that he will have to target in order to make his tax plan deficit neutral will end up affecting the middle class.


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