I am not saying that pollsters or journalists are all crooks and that they are bought by the owners of the media. I am not saying that they are all puppets and commanded to tell lies. But I think in some inherent foolishness in journalists and some inherent opportunism and interest in creating expectations of a tight race, creating emotion and suspense. The "pundits" pushed for the idiotic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and thus created a big national debt.
Consider also that those people that give answers are not 100% honest, they may be ashamed to say that they want to vote for X or Y.
I am not God, or Elohim in Mormon planet Kolob, or one of the infinite number of Gods of the Mormon Religion, like Mitt that is going to be a God with his own planet in the afterlife, with many Black Slaves and endless sex with hundreds of Wives. I am not a seer, I do not have a tarot, crystal ball, and I do not observe the flights of birds or the lighting in the skies.
So, I can be wrong !
Imagine the tragedy for the "American Empire" - I want to believe that America can not collapse, that the political and human experiment that was initiated in North America is not going to fail.
But I can be wrong !
It is easier to destroy and empire from the inside than from the outside, when the Roman Empire was invaded by barbarians it had been living in internal decline for two or three centuries. With Tiberius, Caligula, Nero and many other scoundrels, emperors and leaders that failed.
And the populace had been corrupted by "Panem et Circens" by handouts of Bread and Gladiators.
Imagine Romney and Ryan in the White House, a despicable school bully, a brutal barber, a fake cop, a vulture capitalist that learned the arts with convicted felon Michael Milken. A first class tax evader and robber baron sending his money to the Cayman Islands and Switzerland in order not to pay American taxes.
A first class coward that did not go to Vietnam with the most idiotic excuse of being a "Mormon Missionary" in France. And this clown and buffoon now is a poseur posing as a Great Super Macho that is going to attack everybody and his aunt in international relations.
A superb ignorant in Foreign Policy is threatening and thumping his chest like an alpha male gorilla, a silver plated back super gorilla. Because he has to pose as a super macho to hide his inner cowardice.
The same cowardice that he displayed as a torturer and tormentor of those that he deemed gay in his school at age 18, when the connections of personality in the brain are already formed.
It is no accident that he invited Clint Eastwood to a ridiculous performance in the Republican Primaries, to get some macho dust from Eastwood or from John Wayne beating up some bad guys in a Saloon of the Far West. ( Not Fairy Dust, but Macho Dust ! )
Mitt Romney would be despised as an idiot, coward, ignorant clown by all the nations of this planet. Nobody would believe in the word of the guy that reached the presidency by lying every day and being a Hypocrite, "Well Oiled Weathervane", flip-floper, shape shifter, and promising to steal from the Poor to give to the Rich, in order to raise money for his campaign.
Did I mention that Mitt and Paul are clear as daylight RACISTS and that Mitt has been in bed with the worst RACISTS in America ??
Vicente Duque
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